NextGenerationEU at IIM
NextGenerationEU is a temporary European recovery instrument endowed with more than 750,000 million euros that helps to repair the immediate economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The aim of the Next Generation EU funds is to create a Europe that is greener, more digital, more resilient and better adapted to current and future challenges. The budget is intended to promote modernization through research and innovation; just climate and digital transitions; and preparing, recovering and resilient to future challenges.
Now is the time to work to create a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe.

The two largest volume instruments in the Next Generation EU are as follows:
The Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia (MRR), constitutes the core of the Recovery Fund. Its purpose is to support investment and reforms in Member States for a sustainable and resilient recovery, while promoting the EU's green and digital priorities.
The Fondo REACT-EU, operates as a structural fund, but with greater flexibility and agility in its execution. REACT-EU will promote the green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy.
Next Generation EU will also provide additional funds to other European programs or funds, such as the Fondo Europeo Agrario de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER) and the Fondo de Transición Justa (FTJ).

<p>Plataforma Blockchain e IoT para garantizar la trazabilidad, seguridad, calidad y sostenibilidad en la cadena de valor de los productos pesqueros</p>
<p>Digital Twins to optimize energy efficiency and product quality in WINEries</p>
<p>Monitorización, Evaluación y Reducción de la Mortalidad Accidental de Cetáceos debido a Interacciones con la Flota española</p>
<p>Nuevas tecnologías de observación electrónica inteligentes para una gestión pesquera más sostenible</p>
<p>Sostenibilidad pesquera y protección de la biodiversidad de ecosistemas marinos vulnerables</p>
<p>Investigacion, desarrollo e Innovación de una Red de Observación Costera: Ría de Arousa</p>
Integración descarga aguas subterráneas continentales en estrategias de gestion sostenible de los recursos hídricos costeros: Identificación, cuantificación y caracterización
Fomento de Energías Renovables Marinas en España: preferencias sociales y toma de decisiones
The purpose of these aids is the hiring of young people under 30 years of age at the time of the contractual relationship, by research and knowledge dissemination organizations, public universities, technology centers, science and technology parks, private law entities, and entities private non-profit organizations, together with investment companies in research and innovation belonging to the public or private sector, in carrying out research and innovation initiatives.

The objective of the Juan de la Cierva-training grants is to encourage the hiring, by Spanish research organizations or R&D centers, of young people in possession of a doctoral degree for a period of two years in order for them to complete their Postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centers other than those in which they completed their predoctoral training.

<p>Sistema de microscopía de fluorescencia de hoja de luz (LSFM) multivista para la obtención de imágenes de muestras vivas o clarificadas.</p>