Ethics & Scientific Integrity Committee
To ensure that the science produced at the IIM-CSIC has an impact for the better, ensuring its quality and excellence requires responsibility and upstanding conduct from all the people involved in the scientific process.
As stated in CSIC's Ethics & Integrity portal, research integrity involves the observance and promotion of ethical principles and professional responsibilities when conducting research, thus inspiring and guaranteeing good scientific practices.
While they remain difficult to define, the concepts of 'ethics' and 'integrity' in science are shaped by a variety of mandates and agreements between different individuals and institutions around the globe.
The Ethics & Scientific Integrity Committee (also known as CIEC) works at IIM-CSIC, following the guidelines provided by the National Statement on Scientific Integrity (2015; signed by COSCE, CRUE and CSIC) and the Council's Good Scientific Practice Code (2021), to guarantee the integrity of our work and prevent misconducts that can threaten the impartiality and reliability of our results, prevent due recognition for our colleagues' work and interrupt the progress of scientific knowledge and its impact on society, striving to make sure that no one is left behind.
Together with 'scientific integrity', our work also aims to be 'ethical' within the scope of bioethics. Bioethics at CSIC involves actions in four main areas: research involving human subjects, samples or data; animal research; research involving genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and research with biological agents that may pose a risk to society and to the environment. Together with our Biosafety Committee, the IIM-CSIC's Ethics & Integrity Committee works to watch over these ethical issues, from the respect for the human condition, dignity and autonomy and personal data protection and confidentiality to the protection of animal well-being and the safety and sustainability of the environment and the living beings that inhabit our world.
The Committee is supported by the CSIC's Ethics Committee, a collegiate body that has been providing support to the Presidency of CSIC since 2013, complying with article 17 of CSIC's State Agency Statute.
Bilingual in Spanish & English. Code approved by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) describing a set of good scientific practices.

Only available in Spanish. Short document published by CSIC's Ethics Committee reflecting on the issues that arise when trying to establish and communicate authorship of a multidisciplinary publication.
The document provides insight on the problem and provides the reader with recommendations.