Biobank Technical Unit
The demand for more high-quality and traceable annotated marine biospecimens is increasing worldwide, primarily due to the unprecedented level of genomic and post-genomic research activities being carried out.
The IIM-CSIC's Marine Biobank, managed by the Biobank Technical Unit (known as 'UTB'), provides laboratory infrastructure that ensures the quality, order, destination and traceability of samples and data (which is necessary during biospecimen preparation, storage, preservation and transport). Neverthless. its goal extends beyond the repositories to also assist with controlling the donation/cession process. In fact, an effective biobank must provide high-quality and affordable biospecimens with a double impact: strengthening international scientific collaboration and stimulating public-private partnerships.
Through the Unit, the ERM research group has developed and is currently in charge CSIC's first biobank platform to manage any marine ecosystem sample (and associated metadata) from the marine environment for research purposes. As a member of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER), the UTB follows the ISBER best practices, policies and procedures. Additionally, in order to adopt industry-wide standard operating procedures, since 2016 UTB's Services have been normalized according to the ISO 9001:2015 technical quality standard.
Objectives & Tasks
The ultimate goal is the implementation of a platform to manage samples and their associated data to support transversal research in the marine environment, not only to ensure access to a samples/biomolecules service with a high standard of quality, but also to become a model of industrial action for public research and for technology-based companies.
José ManuelAntonioDuránResearch Support Techniciansjantonio@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438545
Ángel FranciscoGonzálezGonzálezPrincipal investigatorafg@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438671
SantiagoPascualDel HierroPrincipal investigatorspascual@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438542
AndreaRamiloÁlvarezPostDoc Researcherandrearamilo@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438543
The Technical Biobank Unit is part of ISBER, the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories. It follows ISBER best practices, policies and procedures.

To adopt industry-wide standard operating procedures, from 2016 the UTB has normalised its services according to ISO 9001:2015 technical quality standard.